How Long Does 35 Network Confirmations Take

Updated Apr ix, 2022

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Roughly every x minutes, a new block is created and added to the blockchain through the mining process. This cake verifies and records whatsoever new transactions. The transactions are and then said to have been confirmed by the Bitcoin network.

For example, if Sean buys bitcoin and and then sends i bitcoin to John, this transaction will remain “unconfirmed” until the side by side block is created.

Once that block is created and the new transaction is verified and included in that cake, the transaction volition have one confirmation. Approximately every ten minutes thereafter, a new cake is created and the transaction is reconfirmed by the Bitcoin network.

confirmation on block explorer

A transaction that has been included in thousands of blocks (and therefore confirmed thousands of times)

While some services are instant or simply crave one confirmation, many Bitcoin companies will crave more as each confirmation greatly decreases the likelihood of a payment existence reversed. Information technology is common for six confirmations to be required which takes virtually an hour. Knowing how many confirmations are required past the service provider can give you a good idea of how long it volition take for your transaction to be completed.

How many Bitcoin Confirmations are Enough?


Payments with 0 confirmations tin still be reversed! Await for at to the lowest degree i.


I confirmation is enough for modest Bitcoin payments less than $1,000.


Enough for payments $1,000 – $10,000. Most exchanges require 3 confirmations for deposits.


Enough for large payments between $10,000 – $1,000,000. Six is standard for most transactions to be considered secure.


Suggested for big payments greater than $one,000,000. Less is probable fine, but this is to be prophylactic!

How to Check Bitcoin Confirmations

Once you make a transaction, your wallet should give y’all an pick to view the transaction on a block explorer or give you the transaction ID. homepage is 1 of the most useful block explorers on the net.

A transaction ID looks similar this:


To check the number of confirmations for a transaction, paste the ID into a block explorer similar

bitcoin confirmations

Press enter and then you’ll see more details about your transaction:

bitcoin confirmations

Attempt a New Wallet

If your wallet is sending transactions that get stuck, y’all may exist using an one-time wallet that doesn’t calculate fees properly. Endeavour one of these:

ledger nano x

Ledger Nano Ten

  • Adept for storing large amounts of crypto
  • Supports ane,000+ coins
  • Can exist used with iOS & Android

brd wallet logo


  • Keen wallet for iOS and Android
  • Supports many coins, similar BTC and ETH
  • Make clean interface makes information technology piece of cake to use

electrum logo


  • Desktop wallet that works for Mac, Windows and Linux
  • Simple to apply, just also offers power features for experienced users
  • Can connect to hardware wallets

What is the Average Bitcoin Confirmation Time?

The chart below illustrates the average amount of time it takes miners to observe a block – 1 block establish means one confirmation.

bitcoin confirmations

While the Bitcoin blockchain targets 10 infinitesimal blocks, sometimes they are faster and sometimes they are slower.

This is specially true when a major change in the network hash rate occurs, as information technology did in June of 2021, when all of China’due south miners shut downward.

mining shutdown june 19 midnight

By the first of July 2021 the total hashrate cruel by more than than 55%. The hashrate has since recovered to in a higher place the previous top in May of 2021.

change in hashrate after China ban

So we come across that issues can arise that alter confirmation times, simply eventually they recover back to the 10-minute cake time average.

Having an Issue With Your Wallet?

Some wallets are not updated to ship transactions with the proper fee.

Our guide on the all-time bitcoin wallets features wallets with good fee estimators. Read it hither!


Is your Bitcoin Transaction Unconfirmed for Hours?

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If your transaction is unconfirmed for hours, just expect. If more than 72 hours pass and your transaction still isn’t confirmed, you can re-send the transaction.

We recommend using Electrum wallet with a hardware wallet similar the Ledger Nano X since it allows you to raise the fee on transactions if they get stuck.

How Many Confirmations Does Coinbase Need?

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Coinbase requires 3 confirmations before a transaction will testify up and be spendable in your Coinbase business relationship.

Is it possible for a transaction to confirm in less than x minutes?

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Yep! There are several means this could happen.

Every bit mentioned above, block times are targeted to be 10 minutes. Nevertheless, sometimes they are more and sometimes they are less.

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Difficulty Improperly Adapted

If the difficulty is set also depression, so cake times will tend to be shorter than 10 minutes. Difficulty is adjusted every 2 weeks, just the style it is adjusted is based on the previous 2 weeks average block times. This generally does a good task of ensuring 10 minute blocks, simply it is not perfect.

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Hashing Power Overflowing

If a lot of mining hashing power is all of a sudden added to the network speedily, so this hashing power wont exist accounted for until the side by side difficulty aligning, resulting in faster block times on boilerplate.

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Miner Luck

Sometimes blocks are constitute in minutes simply because of luck. The truth is, mining bitcoin is almost guessing the answers to complex math bug. Guessing the answer should, statistically speaking, take virtually ten minutes. Even so, sometimes you get lucky and find it much sooner.

5 minutes icon

Your Luck

Assuming 10 minute cake timers are perfectly calibrated, and none of the to a higher place occurs, you could still get your first confirmation in less than 10 minutes. Allow’s say a block is found and five minutes later on yous circulate a transaction with a higher fee than anyone else on the network. If that were the case, you would get your first confirmation in 5 minutes.

How tin I speed upwards confirmation times?

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In that location is no way for yous to speed up the rate at which blocks are added to the blockchain. However, you can speed up the likelihood your transaction is included in the next block by increasing the fees you pay for the transaction, which makes it of higher involvement to miners.

transaction fee calculator

A high fee as of May 26th, 2020.

You tin discover what is considered a high fee at any given time by looking at our fee calculator. Be certain to summate taxes for costless properly.

Does Segwit decrease confirmation times?

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Technically, no. Segwit does not change the amount of time needed for blocks to confirm. Withal, transactions using Segwit are cheaper because they are smaller. That means the fees you would pay for an old bitcoin transaction sending the same corporeality of coins is higher than it would exist with Segwit. You can, therefore, put the coin you lot relieve into paying more than fees to increase the chance the transaction ends up in the next block.

All the same, no corporeality of fees can go your transaction through faster than the side by side block. And the fourth dimension it takes for the adjacent cake to be found varies depending on current hashing power, difficulty and new investors coming in.

segwit logo

Segwit won’t subtract confirmation times, but it will save coin on fees.

My transaction is stuck. How do I get information technology onto a cake?

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There are a few ways to fix a stuck transaction. One fashion is to practise a supervene upon past fee (RBF) transaction. The other is to do a child-pays-for-parent (CPFP) transaction. Yous can besides use a bitcoin accelerator service, merely accelerators are very expensive (and also not based in the US, UK or Canada. Better, cheaper options are bachelor.

If you own a Ledger hardware wallet and you are using Ledger Live (supports altcoins as well), y’all can prepare your transaction so that supervene upon by fee is possible. Just tick the switch in the advanced options on the second screen (amount) when you lot make your transaction:

Ledger Live Coin Control

Coin Command in Ledger Live

  • How many Bitcoin Confirmations are Enough?
  • How to Cheque Bitcoin Confirmations
  • Try a New Wallet
  • What is the Average Bitcoin Confirmation Time?
  • FAQ
    • Is your Bitcoin Transaction Unconfirmed for Hours?
    • How Many Confirmations Does Coinbase Demand?
    • Is it possible for a transaction to confirm in less than 10 minutes?
    • How can I speed up confirmation times?
    • Does Segwit decrease confirmation times?
    • My transaction is stuck. How practice I become it onto a block?

Near the Author

jordan tuwiner


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